Message Of The Day Heavenly Rapture
The persons_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Heavenly Rapture

“Our mission in the year ahead is to find inner rapture and resplendent in the light, live on, to create a majestic presence that heals everything and anything.


The expansion of our spiritual nature indicates that we are more and more supportive towards the souls of all other soul groups. Irrespective of the circumstances, the soul group consciousness always leads us to experience a sense of oneness with the universe and all souls that belong.

A desire for personal growth, our very own spiritual practice of healing, or a sense of a spiritual mission or calling is what brings us to The Light. Feeling a sense of awe and wonder about the mysteries of the other worlds leaves us wanting more. Developing a heightened sense of intuition and psychic abilities, we all forge ahead looking for that continuous strength and conviction in our healing work.

Experiencing a deep sense of contentment and peace and sensing the unity of the souls of all the universes, we all adventure forth to heal one another. Feeling a sense of expansion and enlightenment, we are in rapture of the presence of one and all. Feeling complete and fulfilled, we let go of the ego self and the material universe. Serve others and live a life aligned with the new values and new found insights and know that you are happy. 

Healing hugs of great divine rapture. Love from the oceans of the divine rapture in action. “


“Are fully breathing in the vibrational harmonics and delivering the light to one and all in the now. Stay in this moment. Chant ‘OM’ three times and receive the light in your spine.”

Participate in the Heavenly Rapture as you heal. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.