Help One And All!
“The healing light of goodness and compassion lives in the heart of the body . The mind can channel this light to one and all.
This understanding can open thousands of doors which will help expand the light and help us move towards higher levels of achievements. Understanding that the body and the mind work together to bring down the light and this light then shines upon our destiny to make it pristine pure and clear.
In touch with the reality of our life journey, our choices and opportunities we move ahead healing all one day at a time. This then unfurls the experience of our consciousness allowing us to experience truthfulness in all we see, hear, touch, taste and smell. We then become sensitive to the vibrations of the places, events and moments we find ourselves in.
Finding affinity with different parts of the globe we heal. Our heart calls, the mind plans and the body moves.
Our visions and vibrations take us into new horizons where our healing determines where and how we create the blue print of our unfurling destiny.
Just healing is enough.
Healing hugs of planned action. Love brings greater joy and the healed soul rejoices.”

Today you must meditate and heal – Help One And All and move ahead with the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.