Higher Purpose
MEDITATION : Resolve conflict and move ahead. (Toe Chakras)
“Listen to the sounds of the universe and connect to the sounds of higher purpose and interest in the inner heart. Know that you are very strong positive and grateful in all your interactions.”
“This world’s most powerful energies are surrounding you as you are reading this message. You are invoking the platinum light spontaneously to highlight your intuitive abilities and access your relationships of goodness.
This moment is sublime as you are greatly influencing your wealth quotient today. You are feeling yourself being plugged into a reservoir of great power, which is infusing you with new destiny consciousness. This intelligence guiding you to take steps forward, where everything is feeling validated by the golden light. You notice that the power that you are plugged into begins to make its way up from the toes, soles of your feet, your ankles and all the way to the top of your head.
The gold and platinum light bubbling over, bathing you to empower your destiny forward. Whatever inner limitations that you held about accessing wealth are being dissolved in this moment by the powerful healing energies flowing up and down your body and your aura. You are receiving some heavenly energies that are inspiring you to move ahead, focused insights about your future plans are highlighting your new goals.
Highly personalised information is being delivered into your consciousness so that you can change and implement your order for wellness and wealth. Be prepared to open yourself up to new relationships and make decisions about your finances and your future to make life a greater adventure towards happiness and joy.
Healing hugs filled with illumination of purpose. Love from the sphere of developing achievements.”
“Leave no stone unturned in your quest for excellence. Love everyone. Stay centred in the light.”
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Today as you meditate the healing roots you in your higher purpose. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.