magnetic__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

I Am

The power of now!

“Whatever pain or ecstasy arises, one does not react, awareness remains in the “I Am”.

We are always connecting to the Divine when we are healing the self and the other. The visualisation of the self is about being timeless, yet going through the realms of different bodies and forms , it all becomes about being . Lifetimes after lifetimes. We must open ourselves beyond pleasure and pain, beyond joy and discomfort, beyond the light and into the darkness. Going beyond the self and the non self, taking us beyond perception and non perception.

There are two fundamental dimensions to human life, one which is constantly changing and the other dimension of no change. So that we can have an human experience in or out of time.

We must not forget our destiny and our unchanging nature and yet we have to adjust to the constant changes in time. That which changes could be called relative as the “I Am” self is absolute.

There is no how to breathe and stay in this body, we have to understand our true unified self, free of the false ego, and the breath keeping us in the body and the moment it stops, knowing that we are freely engaging with the Divine in togetherness.

Continue to heal all the timeless moments as well.

Healing hugs of unity with the presence of purity and time in the now. Love from the Heart of Splendour.”

“Generous is the universe.
Loving is the heart.
Precious is the breath.
Beautiful is this life.
Acknowledge we must, this moment.”

Today as you meditate and heal I Am in the stream of consciousness. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.