Ignore The False Ego!
“As the lotus in our crown chakra opens and thousands of petals unfurl to give life to thousands and thousands of rivers of light, and as we share this energy it only expands and grows.
As we share with others, our aura is enriched with freedom from debt and an extraordinary amount of energy to grace our life ahead.
Sometimes healers are so fixed on the mind/ ego/ false ego self that they lose the heart agency of love and compassion and sharing. Space and science are always trying to find connection and thus explore how it effects our present day life. But it is not possible to see the agency or the agent of the heart from the outside.
But when we pay attention without the false ego thinking that” I can do it, “ we engage with the light of the heart from within , paying attention, just like the breath we find it from the inside. Only then we understand what is life and what is death.
We see the truth about unconditional love.
Healing hugs of supreme wisdom. Love from the seeing heart of wisdom.”

Today as you meditate and heal ignore the false ego as you move ahead. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.