Message Of The Day Illuminated Light Self
peaceful_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Illuminated Light Self


“Withdrawing our consciousness partially from the body and moving it to healing the spirit and soul self, helps us to be in touch with our inwardness to experience our illuminated light self.

The heart, the mind, the intelligence have served us devotedly with every heart beat and what comes up is the connection to the soul journey and healing the self. We are connected to a transcendental detachment from everything that brings us to rejoice and have fun in the now and in the future.

There is a perfection in every moment and knowing that all worldly hearts are joined in perfect bliss and giggle together and meet to reunite with the healing light presence. People are more concerned with their worldly pursuits rather than a pure longing to be a part and parcel of the light.

In this silence we must summon the light. knowing that the love will awaken to appear.

The bliss will well up in the heart of every one, and we shall all begin to giggle in wonderment; healing all.

Healing hugs of deep contentment. Love from the golden light of soul healing .”

“KUNDALINI CHAKRA- spins a yarn to knit our story of life and brings us in contact with a variety of souls to enrich our life. Healing everything, we walk ahead. “

Today as you meditate the illuminated light self. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.