Message Of The Day Immediate Mystery
gratitude_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Immediate Mystery

“The power of now!

“What a beautiful and immediate mystery it is.

The healing mystery of contemplating continually and fearlessly on the truth of change and impermanence. When we connect to our heart and the healing plan, we slowly find ourselves ; slowly connecting to the truth of the changeless healing light and the presence of Divine Forgiveness.

Immediately we begin to understand and connect to the gratitude and joy that unfolds in the heart of the changeless light of love and beauty. We are all inspired to keep searching and healing, so that we can begin to connect to the golden light.urgently reflecting on finding ourselves so that we can be spontaneous and reflective.

Sharing and connecting to the unchanged behaviour of the other. Always responding with love and light. In this process we make a profound shift in how we view life and everything in it.

Thus the light survives and helps us become better people.

Immediately accept and share the healing light.

Healing hugs of unity with the presence of purity with liberation in the now. Love from the Heart of Radiant Light.”

“Leave no stone unturned in your quest for excellence. Love everyone. Stay centred in the light.”

Today as you meditate the healing unlocks immediate mystery as you move ahead. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.