Message Of The Day Individual Karma
It Is A Lullaby__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Individual Karma

Heal one and all today!
Peace for the world.

“Remember that peace brings forth an end to war, creating a new humane spirit ; filled with humility, beauty, shining simplicity, modesty and tender wisdom so that the presence of each soul can be honoured .


Within the human realm we all have individual karma, we are born in different cities, countries, societies, with different upbringing, education, influences and beliefs.

All of these and other conditions comprise of who we become. Then comes the reality of our own individual karma and healing actions that govern our journey ahead.

We begin to see things differently and uniquely in our own personal way. Each of us has individual karma, behaviour, responses, and an army of souls of different relationships , that can sometimes be detrimental to our spiritual ways.

Human beings look much the same but end up doing things differently and end up living in their own unique way, influencing each other; sometimes tragically. The armies of different souls warring with each other for superiority can end up hating each other and thus suffocating and sometimes murdering the spiritual nature within.

So, remain aware of your own individual spiritual needs and guard them well.

Heal on.

Healing hugs for immense healing with contemplation. Love from the highest source of constant prayer.”

“Today let’s pledge for the year ahead that we will live a hidden and austere life; filling the hearts of others through the healing with  the thoughts of only peace and more peace.”

Today as you meditate and heal individual karma. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.