Individual Needs
The power of now!
“YEARLY “…………
“We are so wrapped in our individual needs and so enclosed in our minds with all that are our personal desires that years go by in this illusory trance of human life.
The space of our life unfolds all that which is part of our self inside. Like attracts like and yet we spend years of our life complex and complaining about the journey, the situations and the repetitive process of life and sometimes we are also bored with the healing process.
Days, weeks, months and years pass by and we are standing still, waiting for something to happen. We feel that we are enclosed within the walls of our mind and heart. When we heal, we are taking the opportunity to shatter the walks, remove the cobwebs and pursue true enlightenment. It is then that we realise that we are never separated from the Divine Source, we only have to turn around, understand and ask for help.
So, whatever shape your lives take, The Divine Presence of the light is always there and everything is always perfect.
So seek and you shall be delivered the brightest illuminating light, where everything is clear.
Healing hugs of unity with the presence of purity and tremendous power in the now. Love from the Heart of Infinite Compassion.”
“Generous is the universe.
Loving is the heart.
Precious is the breath.
Beautiful is this life.
Acknowledge we must , this moment.”

Today as you meditate and heal individual needs. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.