Message Of The Day Inner Bliss
It Is A Lullaby__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Inner Bliss


“The only thing to which there is no opposite is the joy of healing with a heart centred in inner bliss with compassion and soul awareness.

A healer’s whole life is about sharing the light with others and continuing in the act of devotional service. Healing the self and the others is an act of actively expressing the love that one feels for the Divine. When we bring ourselves to only obsess about material manifestations as a result of healing , we are truly corrupting our heart.

We need to end our desires for material wellness and enter the true realm of healing the pain of others.

Truly listening to all the guidance and the inner voices that are generating an opportunity for us to serve; makes us who we truly are born to be.

Healing hugs of great insight. Love from the sunlight.”

“ELBOWS CHAKRAS- Helping others is very important for us and understanding that our life is about experiencing divine bliss in our endeavour to continue to be the healer; is that which is most important.”

Today as you meditate on the inner bliss, smile and celerbate. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.