Message Of The Day Intentions And Healing
light_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Intentions And Healing


Introspect and accept.

Healing is always in the now. We all co create our world. We need to understand the story of our desires. Why do we want what we want? Does it come from the desire to do for others or to satisfy our own needs.”

“Unfortunately in our society today there are very few of us who are willing to carry the mantle of spiritualising their life, their intentions and healing for the benefit of the golden light for one and all.

We must all heal first for  the welfare of the self and  then all the others, with total determination for happiness and success for all those who live in truthfulness.

We must look for inspiration in others, see the goodness in them and healing truthfully follow the path of righteousness.

We must heal with a genuine heart, thriving with a heart filled with wisdom establishing the light in the heart of others. Awakening them to the goodness in themselves and everyone else and in the process attracting more of the light in the mode of gratefulness.

People who come to the healing seminars to get connected to the light often question why such great importance is placed on the transmission of the light from a Master to the student/ healer. The light travels from the heart of the Divine to the heart of the Master and from the heart of the Master to the heart of the student.

This lineage continues for authentic truthful light to spread in an unbroken chain.

Be a part of this chain. Just heal on.

Healing hugs of co creating our reality. Love from the zones of consistent expressions of the healing realms.”

“Once we understand our own story, we develop meaning in our life and healing others we move ahead. Our world view and our value system keep us healing all that we see, touch, hear, smell and taste.”

Today you must meditate and heal on Intentions and Healing and move ahead with the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.