Message Of The Day Joy And Oneness
life with humility__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Joy And Oneness

Wishing all of you a great 2025…. …….HAPPY NEW PLACES……..

“Visualise in front of you the person with whom you want to communicate this message to. See this person in your mind’s eye ( Third Eye Chakra) exactly as you remember them. Consider now that they are receiving your love and healing and are more receptive and listening to your message.”

“As the brilliant light descends, know that it is warm and pure and brings us great memories of joy and oneness.

We must enjoy this place of oneness and feeling a sense of deep belonging , we must begin filling and holding the light securely in the heart, spreading cheer and clarity .

We must enjoy being ourselves in this place of comfort and know that we are cleansed of all the baggage of the past in the now.

We are special as we are standing in the material and the spiritual worlds. Surrounded by the colours of the universe, we are collaborating to heal.

Healing the self in this moment through the body, the spirit and the mind to create a beautiful new life. Knowing that the elements of the earth, the water, the fire, the air and the space are all friendly and supportive.

Know that everyone is healing ; as are you.

Healing hugs of deep receptivity. Love from the heart of the giving and receiving.”

“Affirm more openly that you are spiritually sharing , honestly and willingly with respect and gratitude with one and all.”

Today you meditate joy and oneness. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.