Message Of The Day Love And Celebrations
engaged in the healing__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Love And Celebrations

Hanuman Pooja

Celebrate the Self!
Meditate on the Self!
From the heart of the Self and from the Light surrounding you, affirm that you increase your vibrations of healing and you let go of the obstacles.

“The template of the soul and its journey into the light brings us to the edge of the material with the spiritual nature. Connecting us to a space of deep contemplation and lasting change. Let us reflect on what we can change about ourself.

“The celebrations continue as we proceed with these days of the coming festivals. We must feel the love and celebrations in all things.

The power of togetherness and the joy of unity is profoundly felt and encouraged in this time of jubilations.

As we all move towards togetherness with joy, whatever we do with our body, mind , speech and spirit will convert into great healing moments of unity.

Do not overlook actions of loved ones as everyone comes together to show love and appreciation. As tiny drops of water can fill a whole vessel, the same way everyone’s efforts of community building will bring us the cherished moments of love and prosperity in this life.

Healing hugs full of love and compassion. Love from the light district of karma and rebirth.”


At present our body is undoubtedly the centre of our whole universe. We associate it with our self and our ego self. Let’s pledge to truly understand our limited time on Earth and heal all.

Today as you meditate and heal, love and celebrations and moving ahead. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.