Love And Reciprocity
“We are always connecting to the river of golden light flowing through the consciousness of the world and activating the pillar of light upon us, filled with gifts of auspiciousness for all souls in this world. Participate in this moment and share with others. Letting go of pain and inviting gratefulness into every pore and cell of your body.”
“If we can already create in our mind a feeling of love and reciprocity with the people around us, then we will find love and friendship right now; as everyone is evoking the same feelings. When we are surrounded by people around us, and we are strongly sending out the magic of love into the universe, then the universe also reciprocates with us in jubilation.
Connecting to the source of the spiritual heart, we are also connecting to the “Amygdala“ the small part of our brain where we process emotions. Interestingly it is the place where we feel depression and simultaneously we are feeling immense gratitude.
Scientists have researched and found that generating gratitude eventually heals depression at the deepest level. Leaving us free to enjoy our human life with the relationships of love that we formulate in the process of life and living. Stay healing and stay grateful.
Healing hugs of starlight filling our aura with brightness. Love from the twinkling light empowering all the individuals of this world.”
“Stay happy with your family and friends with a wish for success, happiness and joy for all of them.”

The love and reciprocity flow unconditionally. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.