Mandalas Of Light
“The Affirmations of Satisfaction.
These affirmations are filled with the healing energies of The Master/ Reiki/ The KQ Force/ My Golden Cloud/ Prayers/ Grace/ Mercy/Forgiveness.
Feel the renewed energies travelling through your body and the lightness of your heart , and continue to accept the gentle opportunities to heal yourself today.”
“Affirm the following affirmation by repeating it 7 times today.
“ I am immediately connecting to the Mandalas Of Light which are spontaneously manifesting in front of me , opening up my chakras and allowing the energies to flow through my subtle channels as I am brimming with new life , wonder and freshness.
I am using these new energies with skilled means to heal ,to shift my consciousness. All limitations are dissolved as I move ahead to climb the maintain and reach the summit of healing spontaneously and compassionately. As the light reignites my chakras, it is total and complete healing in the now and all my deadliest enemies are vanquished and become a spiritual journey moment of the past, fully healed and complete, I remain healed in the now”.
Healing hugs of the pure light. Love from the true Embrace from The Source. “
“Carry this sense of healing and renewal with yourself today. You can come back to this affirmation whenever you need more of the healing light within and The Divine Energy Of The Creator from the spiritual realm outside.”

Mandalas of light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.