Message Of The Day Meditate On Glory
vision__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Meditate On Glory

“Causeless mercy and the desires of the inner heart willingly healing!

The Divine is known as the ocean of causeless mercy. Our soul needs to surrender before HIM before we are open to receiving the blessings.


“Arriving, settling and entering into a glorious day, week, month, year and life, as souls we embark on the journey of a new life, making footprints on the sands of time.

To remember what we have forgotten means to be grateful for the moment, the event, the happening and the new situations that are facilitating our journey. Some events come to mind for the positive and yet there are some that come up to be healed.

We have to sense what the experience brings , appreciate what it helps to spread in the body, mind and spirit and awakening the soul proceed to living a better and more glorious life.

We connect to the length of our life as a curved path which is always smiling and welcoming us for our own individuality. Sensing the openness, the space and the smiling future welcoming us, we are awakened to the glory of the Divine Intervention. Sensing a natural and sensitive awakening , leave no stone unturned to enjoy this journey in the glory of the healing light.

Healing hugs of resplendent divine intervention. Love from the zones of rapture and tranquil peace. “

“Just be patient and know that you are in service to the Divine and you are spreading the golden light in this moment , slowly moving forward towards the golden doorway. Open the door to this light of wellness , shrugging the darkness within.”

The self on its healing journey heals and leans into the Divine nectar, meditating on Glory, so, as you explore the Message Of The Day Archive know you activate the healing self.