Message Of The Day Meditate On Healing Consciousness
renunciation__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Meditate On Healing Consciousness

“Causeless  mercy and the desires of the inner heart willingly healing!

The Divine is known as the ocean of causeless mercy. Our soul needs to surrender before HIM before we are open to receiving the blessings.


“Many people remain on the fence about soul connections and soul karmas, especially involving the theory of give and take. While many of us agree that there is a link between all of us congregating together on planet earth, yet many others want proof. But most such spiritual connections are felt intuitively or from the heart, and thus recording proof is not a quality of the heart.

We must always be open about learning and experiencing the golden opportunities for associations with other soul groups, especially those whom we learn from and share with.

Continue to conjecture about your own journey and know that everyone else is also conjecturing about their association with you. When we connect with new soul groups and heal, the healing vibrations and sensations may end up making us feel uncomfortable but know that friendly souls will always leave us wanting more as they heal us unconditionally and forever.

Healing hugs of resplendent divine intervention. Love from the zones of rapture and tranquil peace.”

“Just be patient and know that you are in service to the Divine and you are spreading the golden light in this moment, slowly moving forward towards the golden doorway. Open the door to this light of wellness, shrugging the darkness within.”

The self on its healing journey heals and leans into the Divine nectar, meditating on Healing Consciousness. So, as you explore the Message Of The Day Archive know you activate the healing self.