Message Of The Day Meditate On Pure Devotee
peaceful__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Meditate On Pure Devotee

“Causeless  mercy and the desires of the inner heart willingly healing!

The Divine is known as the ocean of causeless mercy. Our soul needs to surrender before HIM before we are open to receiving the blessings.


“The light of the heart is very strongly present at the centre of every pore and cell of our body. When we are channeling the river of light flowing through us, we know that the light is very predominantly fierce and forthcoming.

This light of causeless mercy is awakening us to our new potential being born in every moment. This potential is part of our intelligence and our karma quotient, working to persuade us in all our endeavours. Continuing to pursue the excellence in all our life situations, we are healing with a pure heart and fully empowered as a devotee of this light.

It is like we are coming up from the horizon of life and touching everything in the path with the love and the light. We illuminate everything, Mother Earth, the Oceans, the Lakes, the Rivers, the Nature and All Living Beings. Everyone and everything is gratefully tilting towards the light. Everyone is chanting ‘ I Am Grateful’ ….. stay and chant together.

Healing hugs of resplendent divine intervention. Love from the zones of rapture and tranquil peace. “

“Just be patient and know that you are in service to the Divine and you are spreading the golden light in this moment , slowly moving forward towards the golden doorway. Open the door to this light of wellness , shrugging the darkness within.”

The journey of the healing self reaches many milestones in the healing journey, one of which is to Meditate On Being The Pure Devotee, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to activate the healing self.