Message Of The Day Meditation-Connecting to the universal ocean of light
life with humility__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Meditation-Connecting to the universal ocean of light

“Meditation-Connecting to the universal ocean of light”

“As we connect to the crown chakra at the top of our head today, let’s visualise a ball of golden light beginning to expand and coming down to surround our physical body.

See the luminous light  beginning to enter each and every cell of our body. As the glowing, sparkling, beautiful shining light moves away from us, it begins to expand into thousands of rays of light that are entering other bodies.

In the process know that you are healing others spontaneously.

Think of specific people and situations in your life that need the healing right now. This energy is coming from the creator of the universe and is supremely powerful. It is healing us, it is rejuvenating us and simultaneously it is flowing to heal others spontaneously, willingly ; just because we are wanting to heal.

Let’s continue to go on to create vibrations of light for others to be healed at our request.

Inside at the soul level we are all the same .

Continue to send the light out to others. To your home. To your past. To your future. To your present. To yourself and everything else.

Healing hugs of great joy. Love from the ocean of immense gratitude.”

“The connecting chakras of the light filled hands.
The separating chakras of the root and the highest crown.
Engage with these chakras to benefit your heart desires and heart consciousness. See love and the golden light everywhere..”

Meditation-Connecting to the universal ocean of light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.