Meditation – The awakened self driving the body
“Meditation – The awakened self driving the body”
“Let your emotions climb to the top of the mountain ( highest crown chakra) and have a screaming fit.
Know that it is happening in your energy body. Then see your spiritual self smile and know that your body is rejoicing and laughing. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and see the vibrating and moving energies of your aura gently flow down.
Think now about your relationship with yourself and how good you feel when you are alone. Ask yourself,
1) Do you treat your body well?
2)Are you kind to yourself emotionally ,spiritually ,mentally and physically ?
3)Do you thank yourself daily for all the hard work that you do on a daily basis, the things you achieve?
Only you know the correct answers to these questions. Divvya and I have a strong feeling that you are not kind to yourself. Hence we are sending you healing right now. Be loving to yourself. Treat the vessel of your body well ;as the Divine has gifted you this body for a higher purpose.
Change the way you treat yourself and also how you allow others to treat you. Set healthy boundaries and pledge to open yourself more to receiving the goodness of the universe daily.
Healing on a daily basis , is your mantra to keep you connected to earth and sky.
Healing hugs from the Spiritual Sky. Love from the heart of all beings on Planet Earth..”
“The healing chakra of light shining under your feet.
The healing chakra of light shining above your head.
Engage with these chakras to benefit your heart desires and heart consciousness. See love and the golden light everywhere..”

Meditation – The awakened self driving the body. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.