Mystical Paradise
“Our mission in the year ahead is to find space in our inner paradise and resplendent in the light, live on, to create a majestic presence that heals everything and anything.”
There can be a lot of distractions that are limiting our vision of the Divine. The busy life that we live, the search for good things like our goals and dreams can take us far away from our heart’s desires. We need to remain, clear, clean, refreshed and cleansed. Alluring and mystical is this paradise in our mind and hearts.
Magical and inviting are the energies. All our senses seem to sharpen as we connect more and more with our thoughts and desires working in this paradise journey within. Our eyesight becomes crystal clear and our hearing becomes more attuned to the melody of this new place. We must fully appreciate this new place with our heightened senses and the beautiful surroundings.
Fully enmeshed in the light of love and compassion; we must surrender to the pristine beauty of our soul consciousness and our imagination centres of intuitive magic. The light is a different colour every time we connect and it shapes our future in the now and the colour spreads everywhere.
Healing hugs of great comfort in paradise. Love from the oceans of the fragrance from paradise.”
“Are fully breathing in the vibrational harmonics and delivering the light to one and all in the now. Stay in this moment. Chant ‘OM’ three times and receive the light in your spine.”

Your entry and connection to the Mystical Paradise is eternal. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.