Message Of The Day Nest In The Heart!
opulence__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Nest In The Heart!

“We are all travelling together with a close karmic connection with each other.

It is our duty to help each other , also to be filled with compassion in our hearts for the welfare of all.

As we travel ahead, we are leaving footprints in the sands of time, where each of these foot prints is dissolving in the waters of healing grace, taking away the hurt and pain.

Leaving us healing all the crossings of suffering and coming out on the other side healed and whole and complete.

It is then that we will see compassion in every eye that we gaze into and all the hearts will be spontaneously filled with joy and bliss. It is the expression of our soul to reach out with a yearning to help and heal ; so that everyone is lifted towards final liberation and enlightenment.

Healing hugs of deep contentment. Love from many lifetimes.”


Today as you meditate nest in the heart basic healing instincts are awakened. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.