New Beginning
Introspect and accept.
“Healing is always in the now. We all co create our world. We need to understand the story of our desires. Why do we want what we want? Does it come from the desire to do for others or to satisfy our own needs.”
“The choicest of light colours, the flowers blooming in spring, the rainbows dancing in the autumn rain , the snowfall in winter are all heralding a new beginning.
The colours and the absence of colours. The attachment and the detachment are all part and parcel of this vivid world. Don’t let them distract you from the essential and enduring purpose of your human life.
The essential value of you being chosen as a healer to heal. Don’t let your true purpose fade as sometimes the impurities within us stop us from doing the things that we are born to do. Your impatience may drag you away from the light,
But it can only do so if you want it to. Be strong and supportive of your true ethical self and know that the whole universe supports your healing actions the most.
Don’t allow your disappointments and heartbreaks take you away from your commitment to heal as they are just shadows of your own negative karma that are coming up to be healed.
Be vigilant and always healing to surpass these patterns of delay.
Healing hugs of co creating our reality. Love from the zones of consistent expressions of the healing realms.”
“Once we understand our own story, we develop meaning in our life and healing others we move ahead. Our world view and our value system keep us healing all that we see, touch, hear, smell and taste.”

New beginning. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.