Message Of The Day New Zones Of Healing
oneness_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

New Zones Of Healing

This month is filled with the pure light.

Day -2
Delhi Retreat

“The choices we make in our material and spiritual heart are those that take us to new fields of awareness. It is here that we recognise the patterns of negative actions and consequences which are constantly occurring in this journey of life .
We heal , hence we know and we state.
“I am powerless over my repetitive behaviour , but I heal to make my life manageable and it becomes perfect and full of divine love, and thus it helps me free myself from the bondage of all that I have created”.

“We become useful, we begin inspiring the self to enter new zones of healing, compassion, love, forgiveness, blessings, prayers, light, and new ideas.

We become cooperative and competitive filled with compassion and coherent communication and through this making our world and our life joyful and elevated to a new synchronicity of spiritual oneness.

We reproduce our abilities of progress as we connect to the sacred chants, symbols, prayers, oaths, invocations and sounds of the mantras.

Everyone is united in praying and healing , diligently connecting in aaradhana in a happy ceremony in this retreat to meet the old original self as the greatest friend.

Healing hugs of the deepest gratitude. Love from the intimate sacred space. “

“As we bring the inner journey to a close, we gather all that we have learned and we bring back into our awareness the joy of healing for now and forever.

Today as you meditate the healing and enter new zones of healing. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.