Message Of The Day Open To Sharing
peaceful__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Open To Sharing

“We all are humble devotees on the path of healing , sharing our personal energies with others.

Healing has a major influence and impact on our lives. When we heal, we begin to connect to higher levels of realisation.

As we enter the spiritual path we are blessed by spiritual experiences that lead us to our divine mission of healing the self, healing our family and our world.

Healing prepares us to heal the fogginess of our mind and resurrect the clarity of our heart . In the process understanding the divine presence and the divine light. Let us dwell in the temple of our heart , healing to unleash the incredible depth of compassion to eradicate pain and suffering.

Be disciplined for healing the self and your self awareness will leave you feeling rejuvenated and courageous.

Healing hugs of divine intervention. Love from the golden light and the free soul.”


Today as you meditate the healing open to sharing. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.