Our Vision
The power of now!
“When we are down here on Planet Earth, living in this human avtaar, some days our vision is crystal clear and yet at other times it is obscured by darkness.
We should always try to remember that after the dark night the sun rises and after a difficult journey through the tunnel of darkness there is the light of joy waiting to spur us ahead. Utterly open and free is the path ahead as we must make the most of this life.
Radiant clarity sits in our heart and awakens us to our own individual potential. No words can describe it, profound and tranquil, we must conceptualise the depth and the glory of the light in our heart, where there is only pure light, shining forth to give us joy in this life of ours.
We must heal to get the glimpses of our true original self, become fully inspired to heal more and to uncover the highest potential of healing the self and all the others so that there is no further delay. Moments of illumination manifest within us to create and heal all that we see, so that there are ample opportunities for us to live this life joyfully among all the others. Illumination , peace, joy, happiness and togetherness remain in our sphere of influence when we all stay harmonised and together without complaints.
So let’s pledge in this life that we will live with gratitude.
Healing through every pore and cell of our body, mind, spirit and soul consciousness, so that there is no doubt and no enmity.
Healing hugs of unity with the presence of purity and livelihood in the now. Love from the Heart of Higher Purpose.”
“Generous is the universe.
Loving is the heart.
Precious is the breath.
Beautiful is this life.
Acknowledge we must, this moment.”

Today as you heal our vision with the inner meditation. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive. inner meditation