Own Spiritual Significance
Happy navratri – Day -5
Chant 11 or more times daily.
“Meditate on the Self!
The template of the soul and its journey into the light brings us to the edge of the material with the spiritual nature. Connecting us to a space of deep contemplation and lasting change. Let us reflect on what we can change about ourself.“
“As we begin and end our days with the prayers, the love, the healing grace flowing through our heart consciousness, we must remember to honour our own spiritual significance during these days of the golden river of red light.
Honouring the cycles of the changing colours of the light and the life giving hidden and ordered structure of our breath.
We must stress upon ourselves during these nine days to picture our life ahead and spread this river of light to all those who are going to touch our life experiences in this life time.
The spontaneous appearance of souls who come to give and to take with undeniable personal experiences of life and love are sometimes friends and many times even enemies.
What we are trying to say is that we must be aware, try to understand, expand our consciousness and in these experiences of sharing complete the marvellous togetherness with compassion and respect.
This amazing dimension opens up to us more during these days to bring us more spiritual nectar and healing grace to share without hesitation.
So heal in the now .
Healing hugs full of love and compassion. Love from the light district of karma and rebirth. “
“At present our body is undoubtedly the centre of our whole universe. We associate it with our self and our ego self. Let’s pledge to truly understand our limited time on Earth and heal all.”

Today you must meditate and heal own spiritual significance and move ahead with the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.