Each Message Of The Day connects you again and again to the words of the Spiritual Master, guiding you today with healing towards Desirelessness as you move ahead.
Peace and Perfection
Each Message Of The Day connects you again and again to the words of the Spiritual Master, guiding you today with the healing to Peace and Perfection as you move ahead.
Moments Of Association
Each Message Of The Day connects you again and again to the words of the Spiritual Master, guiding you today moments of association and move ahead with the healing light.
Understanding Of Life
Each Message Of The Day connects you again and again to the words of the Spiritual Master, guiding you today to understanding of life and move ahead with the healing light.
Eternal Prayer Of So-Hum
Each Message Of The Day connects you again and again to the words of the Spiritual Master, guiding you today to eternal prayer of So-Hum and conflict and move ahead with the healing light.
True Self Within
Each Message Of The Day connects you again and again to the words of the Spiritual Master, guiding you today to heal true self within and move ahead with the healing light.