Message Of The Day Platinum Copper Light Effulgence
comfort__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Platinum Copper Light Effulgence


Believe in yourself. Just be honest with yourself and your loved ones! Stay ahead of the light and stay strong with the healing practice. “


Stay in the realm of the creative thrust of the platinum copper light effulgence.

Know that this mystical light presence will help you heal yourself at the deepest level of your soul self even when you are asleep. Your subconscious mind will listen and help your body in self healing.

Your body is recovering and re-energising the heart of happiness through the next 9 days of 2023 so that you arrive in 2024 fully prepared and protected to fulfil your mission of the self healing with the light.

Connect to all the energies that you have sent out into the universe coming back to you in the now and forming a clear picture, just like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle finding their own original place in the pattern. As the energy invigorates you, you feel strong and whole, more and more like your original self.

Bring your focus to your spiritual heart, in the middle of your chest. Your heart is a great place to seek support from within. Find peace and great intuitive intelligence , receiving guidance and knowing that this is the best place to be in right now.

There is a wonderful welcoming feeling of warmth and comfort emanating from deep within your heart.

As you spend time in the heart, you see the energy of love spreading around you and inviting you to share it further. Heal on to share and grow more of this love.

Healing hugs of inner protection and support. Love from the heart supporting the light self.”

“Be in the golden light flowing through your heart and your spine and know that the sustenance and the sustainability of grace ; both come from the act of healing with conviction and gratefulness.”

Stay in the realm of the creative thrust of the platinum copper light effulgence. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.