Message Of The Day Stream Of Consciousness
magnetic__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Stream Of Consciousness

Celebrate the Self!
Meditate on the Self!
From the heart of the Self and from the Light surrounding you, affirm that you increase your vibrations of healing and you let go of the obstacles.

“The template of the soul and its journey into the light brings us to the edge of the material with the spiritual nature. Connecting us to a space of deep contemplation and lasting change. Let us reflect on what we can change about ourself.”

“We must realise how our stream of consciousness flows, seamlessly watch how each thought takes shape, then shifts and then merges into another thought. We must express wonder and excitement and appreciation for our miraculous mind.

The variety of thoughts that flow through our mind shape our actions and leave us feeling that we are in control of our life, yet, free will is seldom a feature where we are willing and planning, it is a spontaneous process of creating an immediate impact on our spiritual journey forward. Our mind’s ability to understand, process, reflect and ponder on our various journeys of life, leave us feeling satisfied most of the time and yet at other times very alone. We must appreciate life in the moment,  the uniqueness of each thought and each moment influencing us and our responses.

The unique and beautiful stream of consciousness encourages us to travel smoothly through life. We fully manifest and express ourselves, allowing new thoughts, people, places and proximity of others to influence our relationships and our decision making. Thus impacting the karmic consequences that we are trying to circumvent in order to heal more and make life connections that are positive and permanent in the now.

Healing hugs filled with soulful insights. Love from the sphere of inner wisdom silently delivered.”

“At present our body is undoubtedly the centre of our whole universe. We associate it with our self and our ego self. Let’s pledge to truly understand our limited time on Earth and heal all.”

Today as you meditate and heal you are in stream of consciousness. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.