Message Of The Day Quiet Is The Mind
mystical__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Quiet Is The Mind

“The cosmic “OM”has three vibrational energy aspects, Brahma- the creative aspect of our world, Vishnu- the vibrational aspect of maintaining our world, our universe and Shiva -the vibrations that allow destruction to dissolve all into the Spiritual again and again.

When we chant this sound we are collectively and individually in togetherness creating a symphony of ecstatic unity to create a rich attraction of a spiritually healed and quiet mind.

When we hear this sound of creation we are instantly drawn inwards to a source of bliss and deep joy. We are able and enabled to move inwards and outwards simultaneously and continue to create success and enhancement of  Sat-Chit-Anand . We are constantly looking for our spiritual self, that other that lives within us as our twin.

Countless encounters in countless spheres of the soul self bring us the knowledge to heal and move, sharing and caring in the now.

So continue to search and find , reflect and contemplate and continue with the meditation of healing the self and the other.

Healing hugs of great respect. Love from the others at the bottom of the sea.”


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