Message Of The Day Real Source Of The Light
life with humility__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Real Source Of The Light

This month is filled with the pure light.

“The choices we make in our material and spiritual heart are those that take us to new fields of awareness. It is here that we recognise the patterns of negative actions and consequences which are constantly occurring in this journey of life .
We heal , hence we know and we state.
“I am powerless over my repetitive behaviour , but I heal to make my life manageable and it becomes perfect and full of divine love, and thus it helps me free myself from the bondage of all that I have created”.”

“Sometimes when we connect people to the healing light, the people come up to us and ask us if we can show them the real source of the light, introduce them to the Divine, or even get God to answer their questions.

All this seems possible for each one of us, but first we have to take the first step towards enlightenment.

People actually do not fully understand that the truth of human life is the impermanence.

How we have to live in the truth of death and impermanence and thus conduct our life actions aligned with our life goals .

Remembering that we are all here only temporarily as is everything and everyone else. So we must heal and treat everyone with respect and healing action and devoting every moment in the pursuit of healing. Just healing one and all in the now..

Healing hugs of the deepest gratitude. Love from the intimate sacred space”

“As we bring the inner journey to a close, we gather all that we have learned and we bring back into our awareness the joy of healing for now and forever.”

Real source of the light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.