Message Of The Day Realm Of The Continuous Patterns
humble__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Realm Of The Continuous Patterns


Believe in yourself. Just be honest with yourself and your loved ones! Stay ahead of the light and stay strong with the healing practice.”


Stay in the realm of the continuous patterns of the kaleidoscope of light. Myriad ideas and patterns emanating new thoughts and ideas of delight over the next 4 days of 2023 .

Stay connected to the healing designs and know that they are helping you to move into 2024 and beyond with heightened expectations and illumination of the spiritual gifts awaiting you.

See that you are looking ahead into your life and you are being briefed by eminent scholars and mentors and guiding angels to unearth your highest potential and your spiritual strength. Your memory is a clean slate and you are rewriting your new destiny. You are delving into a new plan for your future success.

Stay with a pure and true heart to see the clear path and walk with a sensitive soul to touch your world with the softness of healing grace.Healing hugs of inner peace that touch the soul . Love from the healing heart self.

“We may feel completely lost, we may ask many questions, we may even have new found desire to find the spiritual answers, yet, primarily we must just heal on to know that we are on the right track.”

Stay in the realm of the continuous patterns of the kaleidoscope of light. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.