Remain Connected
Wishing all of you a great 2025…. ….HAPPY NEW REALISATIONS!…
“Visualise in front of you the person with whom you want to communicate this message to. See this person in your mind’s eye ( Third Eye Chakra) exactly as you remember them. Consider now that they are receiving your love and healing and are more receptive and listening to your message.”
“We must dedicate some time each day to the practice of healing to remain connected to the beauty of the self and the world around us.
We then become more accustomed to being assisted by the light to remain in silence and with dedication healing all around us.
Through this transforming the experience of the self with the universe. Moving from a space of isolation and loneliness to one of complete togetherness and joy in surrender the new realisations. Acknowledge that everything that you are viewing or seeing is perfect and with the healing you are moving to higher perceptions.
Continue to work with the golden light flowing through your heart consciousness and know that the bliss one is experiencing is not only for today but for our whole life.
Originality in our personality is unlimited, thus we as healers can explore beyond the boundaries of known perceptions.
Just open the attitude of gratitude, heal and see your life experiences move leaving you as a realised and awakened soul.
Healing hugs of deep receptivity. Love from the heart of the giving and receiving. “
“Affirm more openly that you are spiritually sharing, honestly and willingly with respect and gratitude with one and all.”
Today you must meditate and remain connected and move ahead with the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.