Repeated Action
“The teachings and initiations of the Master and the repeated action of the healing light, initiated by the authentic spiritual student bring the light to the heart to heal our life.
Today pledge to be a vigilant authentic student on the path of unification with truth and compassion. Gratitude is a by product of authentic healing and is the quickest way to check your own level of purified healing.
The ultimate reality is that you have to personally check your own experiences and your own reality. The light is omnipresent and giving you the gift of authentic life choices. Rest your mind in the true space of light and then allow your life’s flight to make you soar high in the sky with wings of light to take you to your highest destination.
Remain and heal on.
Healing hugs of divine grace. Love from your flock of birds.”
“Chakras- Heart/ The arms need to be healed.
Affirm-“I am fully connected to my positive actions of the heart and I am enabled enough to communicate with the light to heal one and all.”
Repeat 7 times.”

Today you must meditate repeated action of the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.