Message Of The Day Resolve Bias
light_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Resolve Bias

MEDITATION : Resolve bias and move ahead. (Hara Chakra)

“Listen to the sounds of the universe and connect to the voice of the ego self in the inner heart. Know that you are very strong, positive and grateful in all your interactions.”

“When we learn something, we often learn it the hard way. Eventually it hurts when relationships end, leaving us feeling bewildered and confused. Things happen in life, because we need to wake up to the new realities, to confront the demons of our own mind, to learn how to value ourselves more and finally to stand up for the self.

Once we find the strength, wake up to the truth of what is really happening, learn the lesson, is only when the connection will be broken and the pain will end. We don’t get to pick the lessons we have to learn, soul groups and life happen, they plan and we learn and often remember that we are also teaching.

Sometimes leaving each other heart broken and bereft. Stay with the vision of a star of light beginning to grow in the Hara Chakra, below your navel, orange and platinum in colour. Stay with the vision till you are small and the star surrounds you. This majestic light, magnificently magnifying your true essential healed self, always resonating with the healing light.

Free from the heart of wanting to control, in humility, open to letting go of all control. 

Healing hugs filled with clarity in the mind. Love from the sphere of Source Light.”

“Leave no stone unturned in your quest for excellence. Love everyone. Stay centred in the light.”

Today you must meditate and heal to resolve bias and move ahead with the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.