Restorative Light
“Meditate On : RESTORATIVE! The journey to a new and more meaningful life can be an emotional roller coaster. Let us examine our own experiences and meditate on what we have left undone in previous lifetimes and complete it in the now.”
“Thoughts are beyond our five senses of hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching but they are undeniable and nobody asks for proof of our thoughts. They have the ability to restore us to our original self and gift our new self to us, back to us in the now. Thoughts most logically originate from memory, memory of experiences in this or previous lifetimes, so thoughts become a recall function of memory.
Thought and memory become intertwined and we cannot seem to logically separate them in the here and now. We all know our ability to memorise and yet this memory is different from what we see, hear, smell, taste, touch, feel and think. Our consciousness is touched by the depth of the inner womb of Mother Earth and the vastness of Father Sky, opening us up to the greatness of the cosmos. The trillions of galaxies, the universes and more.
Just stop to think of all that is unseen and inexperienced and yet is an integral part of our thoughts and memories. It all has to be healed and must be healed. Restorative, therapeutic, and helping us recuperate is the vastness of this light of love is our healing action.
Healing hugs of therapeutic recovery. Love from the heavenly spheres of graceful peace.”
“We may feel completely lost, we may ask many questions, we may even have new found desire to find the spiritual answers, yet, primarily we must just heal on to know that we are on the right track.”

The restorative light operates at a soul and energy level. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.