Message Of The Day Safest Way
vision__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Safest Way


“The safest way to remain in this human life is to stay on the path of the light, healing one and all, serving others and the universe, never thinking of what you can get from them.

The cure for your life journey continues through the Divine Heart’s healing grace, freely given unconditional love for sharing with others and loving your life experiences.

We must use our spiritual practice in purity, teaching others with our intentions, affirmations and our behaviour. We must meditate upon water to connect to the nectar held within, connecting to earth to strengthen our resolve. To air to continue to appreciate our life breath, to fire to rise above body consciousness and move swiftly to a space of light and love.

Sharpening our senses to the fleeting nature of all life, we will once again begin to reintroduce ourselves to our spiritual journey.

Healing hugs filled with light flowing through. Love from the sphere of inner wisdom and intelligence.”

“ANKLES CHAKRAS-the presence of the light of healing preventing us from experimenting with the negative dark forces and healed and whole walking ahead , we are healing the delusions and their powers.”

Today as you meditate and heal the safest way. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.