Message Of The Day Seed Of Unity
sharing__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Seed Of Unity


“Ultimately it is the human birthright of my soul consciousness to rest in the seed of unity and through that to create a positive heart exchange with other like minded souls.

Healing the self helps me to solidify the ultimate expression of gratitude that my healer self feels in every pore and cell of the body. In the next stage of healing, the manifestation of pure love consciousness has the sensibility and spiritual ability to transform the seed itself within my soul self.

This is the complete moment of transformation that the self waits for. To succeed in directing the mind to depend only on the healing, and to come back full circle to continue healing and loving healing is what the original seed looked and felt like.

Welcome back. Heal on.

Healing hugs of transportation. Love from the end of the successful journey into the seed.”

“Chakras-Calves/ Knees/Thighs need to be healed.
Affirm-“I am free from all my heart blockages and negative emotions and have restored the beauty of my soul.”
Repeat 7 times.”

Today as you meditate and heal seed of unity. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.