Soul Consciousness Emerges
“The rejoicing heart is awakening to a gallant new energy of great effulgence that leaves us all connecting more and more to the memories of light.“
“As the soul consciousness emerges from the depth of your heart to recognise our spiritual strength and our material nature, we are pleased and exploring the future. Staying within the territory of seeing, smelling, tasting, touching and hearing the truths of life we move on. Essentially the soul self lives with the body and helps us experience life at the utmost level of heightened consciousness.
In our journey of awareness we manipulate our experiences justifiably by our senses and the soul; and we begin transporting experiences to our mind and brain. After our physical body dies the soul begins afresh. Taking on the role of new clarity in experiencing the life after this one, carrying the collective consciousness of the mind, the intelligence and the false ego. (Mann/ Buddhi/ Ahankaar). For all those who are connected to their higher self, the soul will ascend to the spiritual realms never to return.
Healing the self daily keeps us omnipotently safe and connected to our supreme truthful ascension. Keep the healing light flowing from your heart to remain in a tranquil environment for a long journey in the light of love, forgiveness and healing. Death of the body is in fact a point of celebration for a healer, as the soul ascends to the nectarean zones of spiritual delight. Stay and heal, here and there.
Healing hugs of a devoted heart. Love from the frontiers of light, filled with the pristine delight.”
“Awakens you to servitude and surrender within the healing realms.”

The soul consciousness emerges, heal with it. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.