Source Of The Creator!
“Meditate and Initiate – SOURCE OF THE CREATOR
Engage successfully to your life path and heal! Healing evokes balance, music, resonance, joy, bliss and truthfulness.”
“The light flows through your body transmitting the light of supreme collective oneness in the now. Just when you turn towards the light, you realise that the light was always with you. One has the power to create an immeasurable corridor of light from the heart to the heart zones of the SOURCE OF THE CREATOR.
See your entire being filled with the light and know that there is a strong connection already established and which will remain for ever.
Today pledge to continue the healing work through all the corridors of light by just being open and healing everything that is in your sight and vision and within hearing distance.
Affirm that you are the vibrations and frequencies of the healing world on Planet Earth in the now. In this moment channelling the healing energies to the whole of humanity.
Healing hugs of the Light from the Source of existence. Love from my thoughts and myself transmitting the truth of life.”
“The harmonics of your soul are real tools for transformation and healing , to help you on your journey. To support you on your way. To remind you of what you already know and to free you from the illusion of the world you live in.”

Meditate and Initiate – SOURCE OF THE CREATOR! Explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again. Keep healing and resonate with the beautiful and plentiful heart energies.