Message Of The Day Spiritually Qualified
Avoid Being Reborn__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Spiritually Qualified

Let’s celebrate the self.

“The creative force of our healing heart is filled with compassion and gratitude today, which is surrounding our spiritual journey forward. Stay in this realm of love , prayers , success and solidified happiness which brilliantly illuminates and remains to anoint us with bliss and ecstasy.”

“We may all be under the impression that we are very spiritually qualified, but yet someone may look at us, meet us and tell us that we are very materially addicted or motivated.

This may lead us to feel very strongly inspired to get into a conflict situation or defend our consciousness of spiritual contentment.

But the fact that someone can ruffle your feathers and make you react to a judgement or opinion that they have formed about you and your life choices is not something you have to act upon.

Know that as a healer it is alright to show that you are fully empowered to let people make judgements , leaving them with some healing energy from your heart so that they understand the light, more by your behaviour and not your words.

You must be able to introspect and understand your inner structure of dependence on the Divine.

Meditate on your spiritual journey and healing through the light of illumination in the Presence of the Divine, know that you are spiritually empowered and materially healing your world with Divine help.

Healing hugs of deep gratitude . Love from the heightened and enlightened perspective of a brilliantly radiant experience. “

“Healing the heart of the soul consciousness and the spiritual nature of the light of recognition remember that liberation cannot be taken for granted unless one heals daily. Remind the heart to heal daily.”

Today meditate on spiritually qualified.. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.