Message Of The Day Teach Thyself!
channeling__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Teach Thyself!

“The language, the internet, the imagination, the consciousness , the religion, the dream, the origin , the culture, the healing, the love, the compassion and the Divine are interestingly in and out of ourself in the dynamic web of our life.

Perhaps the most stunning aspect of human life is the language and the vocabulary, poetic and eloquent. We are all capable of teaching ourselves everything we need to know .

In the process connecting to our inner experiences that change the way we live and work in this universe. We dream the impossible dream and we light the fire of knowledge and intuition. We ignite the flame of freedom in our hearts to find the love, the light and this deep gratitude and appreciation .

We begin to understand fully how much this incredible gift called life and existence means to us. Healing everything on the path of this journey; remember we are never alone.

Let’s collectively teach each other to stand united under the dome of effulgent light as one.

Healing hugs of great strength. Love from the bottom of the ocean of knowledge and learning.”


Today as you meditate teach thyself. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.