Message Of The Day The Golden Light Flowing
comfort__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

The Golden Light Flowing

Introspect and accept.

Healing is always in the now. We all co create our world. We need to understand the story of our desires. Why do we want what we want? Does it come from the desire to do for others or to satisfy our own needs.”

“The golden light flowing from the light of the “Source” …….. brings us much love and the ability to cherish ourselves and  each other. This display of unconditional support and love harnesses our dearest heart to the “Light  Source”. The intention is to get more aligned to the heart, fill it with compassion and loving kindness, resulting in accessing healing and grace, where the patterns of the self are shifting and are healed.

This willingness to heal includes distancing ourselves from pain and misfortune, cancer and complaints, disease and discomfort, old age and all the phenomena of disease that the human body can display and we experience. We must use the energy of the heart to meet all the others with mutual respect and honour including meeting our body parts with gentleness and healing.

When we meet our inner body parts with healing, it is like taking an internal shower, replenishing the body with all that it needs to rejuvenate and realign. The body harnesses the energy as it lets go of blockages and disease and moves into a zone of greater understanding and wellness.

Remain connected to the “Source” and heal.

Healing hugs of co creating our reality. Love from the zones of consistent expressions of the healing realms.”


“Once we understand our own story, we develop meaning in our life and healing others we move ahead. Our world view and our value system keep us healing all that we see, touch, hear, smell and taste.”

The Golden Light Flowing enters the heart. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.