The Healing Joy
“Our mission in the year ahead is to find inner joy and resplendent in the light, live on, to create a majestic presence that heals everything and anything.”
“Our state of inner thought keeps repeating and helps us continue to channel our thoughts throughout the universe. On a personal level our thoughts are actually a mirror of our inner condition in resonance with the world outside. If our life is fearful and chaotic outside, remember that we are carrying chaos and discomfort within our hearts and minds and it is happening outside to show us the truth. If our life is joyful and happy, it will be reflected in the future of our world and our life.
As like attracts like, and we are getting what we are focusing on and desiring we create our new destiny. We have to believe that what we are seeking is possible and this leaves us joyfully engaged in our healing work. Experience the joy in the now and heal with a smile on your face.
Healing hugs of great joy. Love from the oceans of joy. “
“Are fully breathing in the vibrational harmonics and delivering the light to one and all in the now. Stay in this moment. Chant ‘OM’ three times and receive the light in your spine.”

As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again. The healing joy is here.