Message Of The Day Translucent Light
changeless and yet changing__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Translucent Light

“Meditate On : PULLING ! The journey to a new and more meaningful life can be an emotional roller coaster. Let us examine our own experiences and meditate on what we have left undone in previous lifetimes and complete it in the now.”

“Crises and traumas are often viewed as a necessary path to spiritual awakening or even spiritually seeking the light to heal the self. Trauma is painful but it awakens the soul to seek and look for a deeper understanding of life and the need to heal. To find greater meaning and purpose of life comes from the light stirring each one of us awake. To look, to seek, to find, to share and then to come to the stage of caring about the others who are on the spiritual path with us but who are yet to be awakened.

By seeking support from loved ones and giving support, engaging in self reflection and sharing the knowledge further brings us to a new threshold where the divine energies rest, waiting for us to appear, to seek, to find and then share.

We are all engaged in pulling each other in various directions but the most important are those who stand tall and engage in pulling everyone upwards. 

Healing hugs of visual awareness. Love from the heavenly spheres of translucent light.”

“We may feel completely lost, we may ask many questions, we may even have new found desire to find the spiritual answers, yet, primarily we must just heal on to know that we are on the right track.”

All crises and traumas are healed in the translucent light. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.