Message Of The Day Traps Of Material Nature
peaceful__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Traps Of Material Nature

The power of now!
“SWIFTLY “…………

“The more we try to escape the darkness, the more we seem to fall into the traps of material nature.

Trapping us to continue to endlessly move through life , swiftly ignoring all the signs and symptoms of spiritual grace , leading the self to stay in the negative realm of complaining . Think of what matters have happened to nearly all of us one way or the other that led us to swiftly rush into situations that are not beneficial to our spiritual development.

We are all strolling through life, thinking inspiring thoughts, speculating on important topics, or just listening to the sounds of nature, yet we swiftly loose our life purpose, and become victims of material nature.

Stay in tune with the symphony of your positive thoughts and the breath and change the mind into using the intelligence and the wisdom from memory to heal diligently in the now.

Celebrate this life with the healing action swiftly.

Healing hugs of unity with the presence of purity in celebration in the now. Love from the Heart of Dedication.”

“Generous is the universe.
Loving is the heart.
Precious is the breath.
Beautiful is this life.
Acknowledge we must, this moment.”

Today as you meditate and heal the traps of material nature. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.