True Purpose
“Mindfully Meditative !”
“We have to align with our true purpose and begin our journey with the healing light in earnest.
We are full of human spiritual experiences as we heal and also by following and honouring the light within our heart. The light that illuminates from the inside is beautiful and illuminates all that we cannot deny.
Our actions can be anything mundane or imaginable, they can be spiritual or material and yet we are awakened enough to recognise ourselves. We have to be sure that we walk the path of truthful intuitive action, which brings joy and happiness to this world and our life.
Meditation in a mindful way is about being mindful of our life choices, of being aware of everything in the now. We have to heal more to host a powerful light in our heart, and unleash our highest potential. It is then that we can take ourselves to a unique higher state of consciousness that leaves us completely healed.
Healing hugs of the resurrection of healing. Love from the reservoir of insightfulness.”
“Crown Chakra Consciousness:
As we move ahead to enhance our emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and financial destiny, let’s focus our energy and attention on the goals of life we want to achieve. The crucial step is to get involved with this world because we are a part of this world. Heal on.”

Today you must meditate and heal your true purpose and move ahead with the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.