Message Of The Day Understanding Of Life
holding_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Understanding Of Life

“Experience and Exchange.”

“Do I distinguish between internal and external stimuli to live my life, make my decisions and bring more clarity to my understanding of life and living?

Or do I continue to make the same decisions and mistakes repeatedly because I am pressured by others? If so, then by whom? What do I want to experience and what do I want to accomplish? These are very important inner reflections that we need for healing our inner heart vision and our ability to hear the truth of our inner reflections and attitudes and conversations.

Are we willing to fight through the difficult obstacles of our false ego musings? There are plenty of people in the world who will need to make decisions about their future plans.

Yet they will hesitate, even though they know that instinctively they need to make a change. People have to listen to their inner heart, make the decisions, implement them because they truly want to.

Most of us know deep down what we can and cannot do.

Today heal and exchange the obstacles to new opportunities and move on with spiritual grace.

Healing hugs of deep contentment. Love from the ocean of associations and assistance.”

“Reading this-
It heals my Kidney chakras.”

Today you must meditate understanding of life and move ahead with the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.