Message Of The Day We Originate
life with humility__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

We Originate

“Mindfully Meditative !”

“We originate from the golden river of light and as we begin our travel in the human body, unknown to us ; our life is planned and screened and projected for us to be awakened and enlightened.

It helps to awaken us to the numerous possibilities and experiences and to realign us with our spiritual consciousness and material potential.

An inner intelligence within us , helps us to connect to the heart of desires and we gallantly begin to live our life.

We find ways to be original and better ourselves. The whole process is about discovery of our multifaceted selves and our soul abilities that lead us into unknown territories.

Brilliance awakens within all of us and we gently push ourselves to become better at all that we are doing and healing. We begin to live our adult lives being who we want to be. Cherishing our human life adventure and making the most of it .

It is important to investigate and discover all that is still left to unravel and be prepared for the truth of happiness.

Enjoy this journey of life in the now.

Healing hugs of intensity and power. Love from the healing realm of unified energy.”

“Crown Chakra Consciousness:
As we move ahead to enhance our emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and financial destiny, let’s focus our energy and attention on the goals of life we want to achieve. The crucial step is to get involved with this world because we are a part of this world. Heal on.”

We originate . Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.